Portrait #5 [Douglas Gordon | reaching]

Portrait #5 [Douglas Gordon | take 02]
Installation view Casa degli Artisti, Milano, 2023
Photo: Peter Welz | Studio, image rights Douglas Gordon & Peter Welz
Portrait #5 [Douglas Gordon] has been shot in 2021 at Gordon’s studio using two iPhones. Both synchronized sequences of the hands are positioned opposite in the space, reaching over to one another and bridging the fragmented body, mostly corresponding in an uncontrolled dialogue with one another, sometimes clapping in the air or hitting the studio floor. The sound emphasises the performance in a disturbing manner. The sequences creates a choreographic dialogue. They are designed for larger projections on free-standing back projection screens in a space - or as a video sculpture, whereas the projectors are being suspended from a (rotating) mobile. |

Portrait #5 [Douglas Gordon | take 02]
Installation view Casa degli Artisti, Milano, 2023
Photo: Peter Welz | Studio, image rights Douglas Gordon & Peter Welz

c-print on insulation borad, c-print on paper, metal construction
480 cm x 350cm (pannels) | 900cm x 350cm (overall deminsions)
Berlin 2023
Photo: Joachim Schulz, Peter Welz | Studio, image rights Douglas Gordon & Peter Welz
Slides [ inked & punched ]

35 mm b/w slide, ink -foto dye, punches
Berlin 2024
Studies & Collages on Canvas

100cm x 70cm
Berlin 2022

c-print on primed canvas, aluminium frame
100cm x 70cm
Berlin 2022

C-print A0, c-print on primed canvas, tape
Berlin 2022