Portrait #4 [AA Bronson]

Portrait #4 [AA Bronson | double projection]
Installation view Falckenberg Collection, 2020
Photo Peter Welz | Studio
Their perpetual cycle refers to the passage of time. Born in 1946, Bronson continues to be not only a keen observer but an active protagonist of the art scene. At an early age he began exploring alternative ways to live together and founded a community, a free school, and a newspaper of his own. In 1969 he joined forces with Felix Partz and Jorge Zontal to establish the artist collective General Idea. From the outset the queer collective challenged heteronormative conceptions of gender. They held beauty contests without genre boundaries, opened boutiques, or hosted talk shows. To this day General Idea is remembered above all for its fight against the rapidly spreading disease AIDS, which took the lives of Partz and Zontal in 1994. Since then Bronson has been active as a solo artist. He deals extensively with questions of queer identity, social mechanisms of exclusion, and spiritual practices. His own work as well as Welz’s portrait of this multifaceted artist speaks of the experience of old age but also the carefree nature of youth.

Portrait #4 [AA Bronson | double projection]
Installation view Galerie Crone, Vienna 2019
photo: Matthias Bildstein

back-projection screens 16:9, full HD, sound, metal poles
Installation view Galerie Crone, Vienna 2019
photo: Matthias Bildstein

Projection screens & cut-outs

Projection screens [240cm x 170cm each], full HD projection, sound
Casa degli Artisti, Milano 2020

Projection screens [240cm x 170cm each], full HD projection, sound
Berlin 2019
Billboard | Portrait AA Bronson

Advertisement, single print
340 cm x 240 cm, 5 AP
Berlin 2018
The image shows the left arm of AA Bronson with his tattoo of an undefined curved line or drawing, among a classical Kodak colour plate as a reference of time and reality.
The tattoo has been an artist project of an intuitive drawing, for Bronson a shielding targe hacked in with a needle and ink along with the suppliant gesture of the hand conjunctively.
the image is to be spread at random across the city occurring out of the blue.

Mega Lite, 356cm x 252cm
Installation view PS120
Berlin 2018

Mega Lite, 356cm x 252cm
Berlin 2020
Portrait [AA Bronson] | stills on canvas | cut-outs

archival UV print on japanese paper, primed canvas, cut out
220cm x 160cm x 5cm
Berlin 2020 | Studio view

archival UV print on japanese paper, primed canvas, cut out
220cm x 160cm x 5cm
Berlin 2020

archival UV print on primed canvas, cut out
160cm x 120cm x 5cm
Berlin 2020

archival UV print on primed canvas, book page, cut out
70cm x 50cm x 5cm
Berlin 2020

archival UV print on japanese handmade paper,
raw canvas, cut outs
70cm x 50cm each
Berlin 2020
Architectural device for a Portrait [AA Bronson]

corrugated cardboard, metal structure, cement, foto print, projection
Installation view Galerie Crone, Vienna 2019
photo: Matthias Bildstein
As is often the case in Welz’s artistic practice, this video work is complemented by sculptural and photographic studies. Upon entering the gallery one is confronted with a very different kind of portrait. An intuitively drawn line graces Bronson’s left forearm. It is a kind of non-tattoo that has nothing intentional, no deeper meaning. Welz’s photograph depicts this arm as a body fragment; placed on a pedestal, a floor plan emerges from which the line extends upward in the form of a curved wall. Like the two screens in the exhibition space, this wall becomes the surface of a projection that shows Bronson distorting the line with his right hand and thus manipulating it. While the body in the main video work remains intact as an entity, the artist himself becomes increasingly fragmented. Collages address a prismatic splitting of form, exploring the figure, its body, and its identity in analytical fashion.
Studies & Collages

archival print on cotton paper, 70cm x 100cm
photo: Matthias Bildstein

archival print on cotton paper, 70 cm x 100 cm
Installation view Galerie Crone, Vienna 2019
photo: Matthias Bildstein

archival c-print print on cotton paper, cut-out
70 cm x 100 cm, 2019

c-print print on paper, tape, colour chart
50 cm x 65 cm, Berlin 2019