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Horizontal tilt
30 min. loop, video projectors, wood, canvas, primer
each 210 cm x 150cm x 50cm London, Berlin 1999

Horizontal tilt II 

DVD 30 min. loop, video projectors, wood, canvas, primer
each 210 cm x 150cm x 50cm, London, Berlin 99

Horizontal Tilt

Both constructions for the projections are stacked on top of each other. the figure in the video bounces up and down horizontally due to the turned position of the camera. The head hitting the sides creates a banging sound. both sequences are played at random. The heads point in opposite directions (‘sixty-niner’), one facing upwards, the other one facing downwards.

Horizontal tilt, Study

Drawing on paper
69cm x 86cm, 
London, Berlin 1999

© Peter Welz 2018